Grand American Camping Adventure: A Look Back

10 Jul

The very first picture of our trip. Headed toward Las Vegas

We were gone for roughly 12 days and in some ways it seemed so much longer than that. In other ways it seemed much too short.  On our trip we visited national parks, big cities, small cities, and everything in between. Every moment seemed packed with adventure even when we were just driving across an empty valley with hardly much more than a few barns and windmills. It was amazing. Erinn and I keep wishing we could pick up a little silver bullet trailer and stay on the road indefinitely.

The week that we’ve been back has been full of its own surprises, mostly good, but it has been tough getting used to the daily grind after being so fully swept off our feet by our travels. Someone asked me recently how my trip was and I responded by saying “It was great. Now I’m just getting used to being home again.” As quickly as our trip went by and as short as 12 days really is, it sometimes felt like we had been gone for months. Life at home has a very different rhythm from life on the road.

The truth is that we were pretty tired after our trip. The long days driving do take their toll on you and I was looking forward to having some time to recoup. But as soon as we had unpacked, we both wanted to pack it all up again and head out on the road.

We both started and ended our trip in Las Vegas, mostly because nice hotels are cheap and it was close to where we were headed to/coming from. That first night we were anxious and excited and couldn’t wait to get moving. The last night we were holding on tight to the very last hours of our vacation. Really I don’t think either of us even viewed our trip as a vacation. I saw it as an opportunity to see states I had never seen before and spend time with my best friend.

One Response to “Grand American Camping Adventure: A Look Back”

  1. Bev Kretzers July 10, 2012 at 12:01 pm #

    Makes me envious… Take every adventure that presents itself! You two did a great job of taking us all with you! XO

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